Tuesday, September 12, 2017

YouTube / Why I've Been Gone / Update

YouTube. I posted my first video January of 2016. I immediately loved it.

I get to talk with you all so much more when I post a video then when I post a blog post. If that doesn't seem significant then you underestimate yourselves...because I think you're pretty darn awesome!

The more videos I posted the more people came, the more friends I made, the more I liked making videos! The longer this went on, the more I neglected this blog.

So, if you want to keep up with me and know what's going on, I'd suggest you follow me on YouTube rather than here. This is a link to my channel: The Road to Someday - YouTube

So now we come to what you clicked that link for: Why I've Been Gone.

Well, like I said, I've been on YouTube. My channel grew, at a crazy rate, and the blog was left struggling in the dust.

The metaphorical dust that-is...

Lame excuse #2: I've been busy. Between school, jobs, and animals, I might have sort of forgotten about the blog.

3rd attempt to redeem my internet self: I also may have just maybe a teeeeeeny bit been lazy..............maybe...'course if I was I wouldn't tell you that! :D

Now for a mini life update:
Lots has happened since I posted last. And at the same time, it seems like nothing has progressed. I've started school for the winter leaving less time for YouTube videos and yes, also blogging.

I still have most of my animals. Right now the numbers are as follows: 1 cow, 2 chickens, 3 turkeys, 6 ducks, 1 cat, 1 dog, and countless rabbits. I am considering getting milk goats and/or sheep! This might not happen until next spring however.

I am still working 3 nights per week on a show pig farm. It's hard work but I enjoy it. Well, most of it. I enjoy working with animals! Learning about them.

One last thing, for those of you who have read this far:
I am no longer Micah's Farm!                  ?!
I changed my name, on YouTube, to The Road to Someday.

As for the blog, it shall stay the same for now. At some point (aka when I get around to it) I will change it to the new (and improved ;) The Road to Someday.

The name is pretty self explanatory... Eventually I hope to reach my life goal(s) such as having my own land, homestead, family, exotic fowl hatchery and show birds. Most (ah, who are we kidding...ALL) of these are probably not going to be in the near future. I have lots of life to live before my narrator says "happily ever after" and that road is long and tedious with lots of turns along the way. There will be fun times. There will be hard times. There'll be times when I don't know what is next. But I will persist.

There, I just explained what I told you was self explanatory. Oops.

And now, it's time.

Time for what you ask?

Time for me to get back to studying about the Vietnam War.


Saturday, July 22, 2017

I got more turkeys!

This is a sneak peak for those of you who follow my blog as well as my YouTube channel.
There are two bourbon/buff and two narragansett/bronze.


Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Another Rabbit Litter!

This batch of kits was sired by Samuel (pic at bottom) and their mom is a young white doe which I call YW (Young White) for lack of better ideas. There are 5 kits total. All are completely white with the exception of one black one. I have another doe (Spitfire(YW's full sister)) due to kindle (farrow, calve, 'blow'/'pop', lamb...whatever you wanna call it) soon. When she does I shall upload pictures.

These were born 6/5/17 (Monday)

Sam, the dad


Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Fluffy Photos

Well, the rabbit kits are 2 weeks old and they're fluffy as all get-out. They have opened their eyes and are beginning to explore outside the nestbox occasionally.


The kittens in their nest
 And the next few are of Miss Penelope (AKA Mispy), my kitten.

Puppy and her babies


Cheeto and Puppy


Friday, May 5, 2017

New Rabbit Kits!

Whoopy Pie, my oldest doe, had 8 kits 2 days ago! There are a couple colored like their father(white with broken black) which I really like. Anyway, on to the pix!

It's springtime in West Virginia!

 Okay, took this picture and couldn't not share. Puppy just looks so overwhelmed. lol
That kittens are getting big!


Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Kittens, Free Chicks, And Just Pictures in General

Puppy had kittens! Now, after looking back and forth between that word and the pictures you may have figured it out but I'll go ahead and explain it to the others. Puppy is the name of our cat. More specifically, my sister Laura's cat. She had 5. Anyway, I know y'all prolly want pictures so I'll shut up now.
A couple of the kittens

left to right: RedMeat, Little Ms. and De-calf

The kittens in the nest

The nest

Here's my favorite one. Black with orange and white splotches.

Puppy (the mom) making a face for the camera.

One of the young does.

Ferdinand and Isabella

The young bull.

Daisy, the future milk cow.

Our miss match barn

Bud, the temporary bottle calf.

The view from the back window of the barn
So, I went to our local feed store for dog food and they had a bunch of chicks for sale. Actually, they had had them there for a long time and nobody was buying them! They were starting to feather out. I know the folks there and they offered to let me have some for free. Can't beat that! I picked out a variety of 3 Bantam Barred Rocks, 3 Cinnamon Queens, and 2 White Leghorns.
The new chicks


Cinnamon Queen

Bantam Barred Rock

Okay, that's all for now. :)
